All vacancies for Support Workers, Case Managers, Occupational Therapists and Admin staff are listed on this page; please scroll to the end of the page to see all vacancies.
ACM is a progressive, fair and enlightened employer. We treat all staff with respect, trust and dignity, and work to ensure that ACM provides a positive environment for all. The wellbeing of our staff is very important to us and we support mental wellbeing. But don’t just take our word for it: ACM has been accredited by Investors in People since 2012, and has been judged to provide an “Outstanding” service by the CQC since 2017.
All new staff, whether Case Managers, OTs or Support Workers, are provided with a full induction programme with detailed training designed specifically for the role. Regular ongoing training is also provided, along with opportunities for further development. Staff have regular support and supervision, are provided with the appropriate equipment, including PPE, and have detailed review meetings.